Editing Retreats with AJ Harper

Camp Ever Onward, Madeline Island

One of the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin

It’s time to get serious, authors.

Join me, AJ Harper, on the shores of Lake Superior for five days of deep work on your manuscript.

This is not your run-of-the-mill writer’s workshop. In fact, it isn’t a writing workshop at all–it’s an editing workshop. Don’t let that scare you! Getting feedback from me about your work is not getting feedback from your English teacher. I don’t give you a list of what you did wrong and send you on your way. We have conversations about what would work best for your readers and then I show you how to revise your work so it lives up to your vision.

As a developmental and substantive editor for 20 years, and as the creator of a reader-focused editing approach (the Must-Read Editing method), I can tell you that editing is not destruction, it’s revelation.

Why an editing retreat?

Authors often get overwhelmed by the idea of editing. You think your writing must be great at the first pass and when it’s not, it’s a testament to your skills as a writer. But, great books aren't written, they’re crafted. Think of your favorite book, the first draft that the author wrote is not what makes it to your hands. It was edited again and again as the author and editors made a series of smart, intentional decisions. I will teach you how to make the same decisions with your manuscript.

Here’s how it works:

  • Two weeks before you leave for retreat, send up to four chapters for my review. I will provide you with written editorial feedback the day you arrive at the retreat.
  • Each morning, I will teach you and a small group of up to eight authors how to edit your work to ensure your book is a must-read page turner that delivers on its promise to readers. The group sessions not only build community and support, but through workshopping the edits you’ll learn even more about the craft of writing.
  • You’ll have your afternoons free to write and edit based on the feedback you received that morning. You’ll also have time to recharge and explore the island.
  • Each night, you submit an edited piece for my review. I’ll return it to you in the morning with my notes. That’s right, you’ll get daily feedback from me.
  • On the final afternoon, I will meet with you for a private 1:1 to talk through next steps for your manuscript.
  • After retreat, when you’re ready, you can schedule a private 45-minute 1:1 with me to go over your latest revisions.

Sue Barber, author of The Visibility Factor

“Having the ability to only focus on my book and work on it without interruption was amazing. Who would have thought that editing could be so much fun? This iterative approach rapidly transformed my chapters into much stronger versions that were structured and organized to support my reader. I made so much progress at the retreat and loved the experience so much that I attended a second one to work on more of my book. If you want to accelerate your progress on your book, an editing retreat is the way to go!”

Who you are:

As I mentioned above, this is not your standard book retreat. This is not where you come to do yoga, take naps, and toy with the idea of writing a book. We’re here to work. This is for authors who:

  •  Want to write a foundational book–the book that is the basis for all you do AND the change you want to see in the world.
  •  Have at least an outline and three chapters under your belt–this retreat works best when you have an idea of where you’re headed…
  •  Have read Write a Must-Read and completed the exercises in Chapters 2-5.
  •  Aren’t here to dilly dally–you’re serious about your book and you care about your reader’s experience. Here, we’re working on a tool for change, a tool that can help people or the world. We are not writing “better business cards.”

Kasey Compton, author of In Search of You

"I went into Editing Retreat planning to fine-tune my manuscript before submitting it to my copy editor. I expected to change a little structure here and there, eliminate more passive voice, and uncover the buried gold that AJ would tell me I accidentally hid throughout each chapter. Editing retreat turned out to be much more than just editing; it's when something unlocked for me, an epiphany happened, it all finally came together. I found my voice. That alone made it worth it!"

Why Madeline Island/Mooningwanekaaning:

If you’re like most people, you maybe haven’t heard of the Apostle Islands and their one-of-a-kind beauty. Nestled off the shores of Wisconsin, Madeline Island is home to roughly 2,000 residents in summer and fall months, but you won’t see most of them. You will see wildlife, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets—and if you’re lucky, the Northern Lights.

I have been coming to this magical location with my family for decades. Being away from my usual view and routine gives me peace and freedom. It also allows me to cut through any noise that I’m dealing with and focus on my writing–or in this case, editing. I have yet to find an author who doesn’t feel the same. Having these retreats here ensures you’ll get the best of me and I you.

Laura Frombach and Joy Farrow,
Authors of Street Smart Safety for Women

“Attending AJ's Editing Retreat completely transformed the speed and trajectory of our book journey. Up until that point, one of us was the primary author and the other was the Subject-Matter Expert. However, working with AJ at the retreat, we melded into a team and discovered a synergy that had been unrealized until then.  We'd gone to the retreat to refine our book proposal and after Day One of the retreat, we went back to the room and wrote a completely new chapter that evening. As the result of our work at the retreat, we began shopping our book proposal a few months later and had a publishing contract within six weeks. We're grateful for AJ's process and support, and our book is now out in the world, changing and saving women's lives. “

Retreat Fee: $6,000 for T3 Community, $9,000 for general public

(Includes all training, editorial review, and two private 1:1s with AJ.)

Lodging Fee: $1,000

(Includes six nights at a private cabin rental, welcome dinner and closing dinner, daily continental breakfast delivered to your cozy cabin, and daily lunch. Bedrooms are private. If you have special accommodations, please let Laura know. Otherwise, bedrooms are first come, first serve.)

Total: $7,000 for T3 Community/ $10,000 for general public

Pay in Full Bonus: A private 60-minute author platform and launch plan strategy session with AJ and Laura to use whenever you like.

Ask about our marginalized community and needs-based Scholarship Program. 

"Editing is where the magic happens."

AJ Harper is on a mission to teach authors how to write books people read, love, and rave about. As a developmental editor and publishing strategist, she has helped hundreds of authors write and edit critically-acclaimed, award-winning, perennial bestsellers that help them grow their brand and make a significant impact on the world.
Working as a ghostwriter for notable thought leaders, AJ created her "Reader First" book development approach and her Must-Read Editing Method to ensure her clients' books delivered on their promise to readers. She teaches her writing and editing method in her annual program, Top Three Book Workshop and at her editing workshops. She is the author of Write a Must-Read: Craft a Book That Changes Lives—Including Your Own.
AJ is co-writer to business author Mike Michalowicz, author of ten books, including Profit First and Clockwork. Together they host the podcast, Don't Write That Book! She is also Lead Writing Faculty and Partner at HEROIC, an educational institution for speakers and authors.
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A few words from authors John Briggs, Tricia Timm and Carole Mahoney